- Oddly enough I crave for it to remain purely .
- 我渴望这感觉能保持纯洁。
- Isn 't it natural for us to crave for that state of absolute comfort ?
- 对于每个人而言,渴望那一种舒适感难道不是很自然的事吗?
- Every small goal that I reach is my personal triumph that makes me crave for more .
- 每个小目标的达成都是我的胜利,而这胜利又驱使我渴望更多。
- I crave for mental exaltation .
- 我追求精神上的兴奋。
- Children like dirt while their whole body and mind crave for sunshine like flowers .
- 儿童喜欢尘土,他们的整个身心像花朵一样渴求阳光。
- The oppressed crave for freedom and happiness .
- 被压迫者渴望自由和幸福。
- Singaporeans do not crave for and love science and technology .
- 新加坡人一般上都不渴望也不热爱科学和科技。
- A guilin local causing one to crave for !
- 桂林一个令人神往的地方!
- We tend to crave for material things .
- 我们会不自禁的去追求物质的东西。
- You are the only love I crave for .
- 你是我唯一渴望的。